How to Use Smart Home Technology to Improve Home Business Workflow


Smart Home Technology

“Home business” means something different from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. In some cases, it means an office in the home where clients are dealt with remotely. In many other instances, it means an actual office where clients come to you. How often is your workday interrupted by the need to handle home-related tasks? You can use home automation technology to streamline your day and improve your workflow. Here’s how.

  1. Improve security with smart cameras and security systems.

Everyone wants more security in their home, but home businesses need even more security. The ripple effect of having your computers with all the client data stolen would be tremendous. Smart security cameras like the Nest automatically record when motion is detected, and you can link smart home devices to an existing home security system.

  1. Use smart lights for convenience.

Imagine waking for a full day of work to a gentle sunrise, even if the sun isn’t actually up. Smart lights can be programmed to come on gently and simulate dawn, allowing your body to wake up more naturally. These lights can also be tied to your smartphone and motion sensors. They will be on when you need them, off when you don’t and provide energy efficiency and convenience.

  1. Use AI assistants to set up your calendar.

When you’re in the middle of a task and an email pops up alerting you to a meeting, you don’t want to break your flow and open a calendar app to create an entry. On the other hand, it barely takes any thought at all to say, “Hey Google, create a calendar entry on the 9th for my meeting.” Alexa and Google have different strengths and weaknesses in this department, but both are capable of scheduling items in your calendar for you.

  1. Use IFTTT to bring all of these systems together.

If This, Then That (IFTTT) is a powerful tool that ties your home automation devices together. For example, you can ask IFTTT to flash the lights in your office if a client arrives and triggers your security camera. You can have the lights turn a different color ten minutes before a conference call to serve as a visual reminder.

IFTTT can also scour your emails and automatically create entries on your calendar or flag emails from a certain address as important. Most small business owners dream of Inbox Zero, and while that’s not a possibility for most without an extreme amount of work, IFTTT can help you get a little bit closer.

  1. Let smart home devices manage your life while you work.

Aside from utility in workflow, there are many smart home devices that make handling your basic needs (food, rest, etc.) easier. Smart ovens can cook automatically and text you when your lunch is ready. Smart beds and pillows can help you maximize the efficiency of your sleep. A smart coffee pot can begin brewing the moment your feet touch the floor in the morning. The possibilities are endless.

Small businesses have used home automation technology since as early as 2012. If you work from home (or even if you don’t), consider the ways smart home technology can improve your day-to-day workflow and improve your productivity. Getting more done in less time is the never-ending struggle for most business owners, so why not use every advantage available to you? Becoming familiar with this technology also means you’re able to sell similar smart homes with more ease.

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