Military Appreciation Program
How can I register?
A student must register over the phone or in person with proof of ID to qualify for savings.
Contact information:
Can I use "VA/VRAP/Veterans Administration/GI Bill" funds to pay for my classes?
Hondros College does not participate in the Veterans Education Benefits program. We have created the Military Appreciation program to recognize the commitment our veterans have made, and we are extending the 15% savings to all real estate and home inspection pre-licensing package students.
Students enrolled at Hondros College can apply for the appreciation discount.
I'm a veteran of the military, but can my spouse receive the 15% off?
The 15% off only qualifies for the actual military veteran.
What packages are the 15% savings good for?
The 15% savings applies to all Real Estate, Appraisal, Home Inspection, Mortgage and Insurance pre-licensing packages.
The savings does not apply to continuing education products.