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Exam Prep Bootcamp Package
Complete with our top exam prep resources, Exam Prep Bootcamp includes access to CompuCram Real Estate Exam Prep, Crammer Sales Review Course and Real Estate Math Review so you can feel confident and prepared taking your exam. CompuCram Real Estate Exam Prep: With an 86.5% first time pass rate, CompuCram has a proven track record in the industry with a 100% pass guarantee or your money back. CompuCram is the only exam prep system on the market today that integrates vocabulary tools, practice testing and comprehensive simulated exams into an all-in-one solution. Our one-day Crammer Sales Review Course featuring an exam that simulates the national and state specific portion of the real estate exam, followed by an instructor-led review of test questions and concepts with techniques and tips to help you pass on the first try. A 4-hour Math Review to ensure you have a strong understanding of the calculations required for math and real estate calculation questions on the State Exam.
CompuCram Online Exam Prep Program - Real Estate Sales National + Ohio
Real Estate Math Review - Online
Real Estate Sales Review Crammer

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